Pricing Solution for Brands & Manufacturers

Pricing Essentials for Brands & Manufacturers
Stop letting MAP violations go under the radar. Take firm control over your brand perception & value.
Our core set of pricing tools. Made to help you uphold your pricing policy with all your retailers.
Price Monitoring
Monitor competitor prices in any language, location, and currency. Up to 8 price checks / day!
Pricing Intelligence
Compare your prices to prices of similar products offered by your competitors.
Capturing Screenshots
Have evidence at hand whenever you need to back up your MAP violation claim with a reseller.
Compare Retailers
Discover retailers’ pricing habits and patterns, and understand how they treat your products.
Price Change Alerts
Receive alerts according to the criteria you set. No spam in your inbox, only important emails.
Monitor Stock Levels
Protect Your Brand Value Effectively
The tools you need to effectively protect your desired pricing positioning.
Use the pricing data we gather for you to understand the market. Position your brand the way you want to.
- Resellers won't give you headaches anymore.
- Discover if your products are being sold without you knowing.
- Track MAP policy abidance and have proof of violations.
- Check prices even up to 8 times per day.
- Monitor bot-aware, log-in protected, and other difficult-to-access websites.
- Pinpoint the start of each price drop chain reaction.

Brand Value Protection and More!
Additional features developed to help you maintain your pricing policy.
We want to make sure you get what you need out of Price2Spy as easily as possible.
User management
Delegate management over certain products to the right managers in your company, without overlapping data.
Location-sensitive websites
We can deal with websites that show different information based on visitor's location or that block visits from certain regions/countries.
Capturing custom details
We can also monitor shipping costs, shipping time, stock status, seller name & rating, number of reviews, and review scores.
Product variation recognition
Handling product variations displayed on the same URL. Sizing, quantity, weight, color, or any other attribute - we can handle it!
Custom solutions
For requirements that go beyond our off-the-shelf solutions, we are ready to listen to you and provide our help.
Tailor-made reports
You can use our highly-specialized report to easily highlight MAP violations and in a matter of seconds see who is violating your policy.
Monitoring Sellers on Marketplaces
Track your and your competitors’ products even on third-party marketplaces.
We cover websites such as Amazon, eBay, Newegg, cDiscount, Etsy, fnac, Prisjakt, Lazada, and more!

We offer the largest set of supported integrations with popular eCommerce platforms.
Enterprise Package for Brands & Manufacturers
Price2Spy is already helping numerous enterprises improve their price monitoring and repricing workflows. Let us help you too.