Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

Google Data Studio is a popular reporting solution that enables users to make custom reports with data from Google’s marketing services and external sources.


One of such external source can be competitor pricing data – originating from your Price2Spy account.


Since more and more Price2Spy clients want to connect their Google Data Studio via Price2Spy API, we decided to share this in-depth guide with you.


This guide is divided into 3 segments:


1. Connecting Data Studio to Price2Spy API

2. Performing GET operations from Price2Spy API

3. Performing POST operations from Price2Spy API


How do you know if the operation should be executed by a POST or GET method?


Please see the full list of Price2Spy API operations here:


For each operation, you will see:

  • Blue box named GET – if it’s a GET operation
  • Green box named POST – if it’s a POST operation

1. Connecting Data Studio to Price2Spy API


To connect your Power BI with Price2Spy API using any methods, first, you need to follow these steps (click on the image to get it enlarged) or check out the video tutorial:


1. Open the link to Price2Spy connector and then, click Authorise (see screenshot 1)



Screenshot 1

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

2.  Please login to your Google account (see screenshot 2)


Screenshot 2

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

3. Click on Allow (see screenshot 3)


Screenshot 3

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

4. Insert your API key and then, click Submit (see screenshot 4)


If you do not know your API KEY, please contact us at


Screenshot 4

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

2. Connecting Data Studio to Price2Spy API – GET methods

In this example we will cover a simple getBrands() operation, which will, as you may guess, retrieve a list of Brands from your Price2Spy account:


1. Please select GET requests from the dropdown menu (see screenshot 5)


2. Click Next


Screenshot 5

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

3. Then, please select the request you want (in our example that would be Get brands (see screenshot 6)


4. Click Connect




Screenshot 6

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

5. Once it’s done, you will see a list of all fields that your request returns. After checking if everything is OK, click on Create report (see screenshot 7)




Screenshot 7

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
6. Then, a popup will appear asking you if you want to add data to the report. Here you can click Add to report and choose if you want to see this popup again or not (see screenshot 8)

Screenshot 8

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
7. Finally, you will be able to see your data in the report (see screenshot 9)

Screenshot 9

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

3. Connecting Data Studio to Price2Spy API – POST methods

In this example, we will cover a bit more complex getCurrentPricingData() operation. This operation has many optional input parameters, and in this example, we will cover date_change_from and brand_name:


1. Please select POST requests from the dropdown menu (see screenshot 10)


2. Click Next

Screenshot 10

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
3. Please select the request you want (in our example that would be Get current pricing data (see screenshot 11)


4. Click Next

Screenshot 11

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
5. On this screen, you should fill in your request parameters. None of the input parameters is mandatory – however, sending such a blank request will result in a potentially very big response, which is not advisable. Therefore, please think carefully how to segment the data from your Price2Spy account (for example, by Category, by Brand, etc.)

Here we will fill in 2 parameters:

  • Date Change From – so only the products with prices which have changed after date X will be returned
  • Brand name – we focus on a particular Brand


6. Click Connect (or Reconnect)

Screenshot 12

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
7. If you previously used another request, you will be asked to apply the changes in configuration (see screenshot 13)

Screenshot 13

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
8. Once you’re done, you will see a list of all fields that your request returns. After checking if everything is OK, click on Create report (see screenshot 14)

Screenshot 14

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
9. Then, a popup will appear asking you if you want to add data to the report. Here you can click Add to report and choose if you want to see this popup again or not (see screenshot 15)

Screenshot 15

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API
10. Finally, you will be able to see your data in the report (see screenshot 16)

Screenshot 16

Google Data Studio – connecting with Price2Spy API

For any questions you might have, please feel free to contact us at – we would be happy to help you.


In case you are new to Price2Spy, you are welcome to start your free trial to establish a Data Studio connection via Price2Spy API, (using any kind of API method you need).