Conduqt BV – Netherlands (

Here’s what we’re working

How Price2Spy helped Conduqt BV to keep an overview of the market

Conduqt BV – Netherlands (
Price2Spy helps us to keep an overview of the market and thanks to the fast and reliable information we can respond properly and adjust our own prices. Great and fast support makes the collaboration even more enjoyable!

Richard Kremer, Conduqt Consumer Electronic Division

This testimonial is published with the client’s full consent. Price2Spy will never publish any of our clients’ details unless we are given permission to do so.

Under the wings of Conduqt, e-commerce concepts are being developed into successful companies that operate both online and offline. Conduqt covers the entire e-commerce and logistics process with experience, competent experts and market-specific knowledge. In addition, the company has linked its own market knowledge of consumer electronics to their e-commerce disciplines. As a result, their own sites have also been launched: SoundStore , GetLoud and TVQ.


  1. Monitoring consumer electronics products
  2. Comparison of the prices of well-known brands on various competitors sites
  3. Monitoring more than 40 competitors sites
  4. Price changes occur often, but not too frequently
  5. New products appearing frequently
  6. Product variations – same URL, different price


  • Price checks once a day
  • Reliance on price change alert e-mails, filtered by category
  • Manual matching of the products carried out by Price2Spy matching team
  • Monitoring product variations on the same URL – parameters
  • Account is being constantly expanded
  • One price check per day manages to capture recent price changes


By its nature, Price2Spy is a very sensitive and discrete tool. For that reason, we have to be very careful about our client’s data privacy, which is an absolute priority for us.

Therefore, we will not be able to show too many testimonials nor success stories on this page. The ones we will show should just give you a brief idea on how Price2Spy can be used in your own business.

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