Canal Agrícola – Brazil

Canal Agrícola – Brazil

Here’s what we’re working

Canal Agrícola consolidates its position on the agricultural market by using Price2Spy’s solutions

Canal Agrícola – Brazil

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Once a niche and not so developed market, agriculture technology has gone mainstream – from small farmers to big companies it became an alternative to the conventional grid that makes more and more sense, especially financially. In Brazil, agriculture is an important industry since the country is rich in agricultural resources. New companies are emerging almost every day (and not only in Brazil but worldwide as well) making the market extremely competitive. In Latin America, this market is booming and Canal Agrícola represents one of the companies that’s leading the way.

Canal Agrícola – Brazil


Canal Agrícola is a registered trademark of AgValueTecnologiaAgrícola which is a company focused on technology development, high level technical consulting and marketing of products with competitive differential and high added technology. For years now this company is offering numerous products intended for agriculture – different tools, pumps, screens & films, sprayers, seeds, veterinary products, and agriculture equipment in general. Their mission is to ensure the total satisfaction of its customers through a customer service policy, agility in deliveries and different payment terms.


However, it’s not easy to maintain a leading position on the market, especially when it’s such a competitive one, and when you are offering so many products. They’ve tried staying up-to-date with prices by checking them manually but since this is quite a large amount of data to be handled on a daily basis, they’ve decided to use price monitoring tools. When investigating who could potentially help them, Canal Agrícola came across Price2Spy.


Key challenges


Canal Agrícola offers a huge range of products from various brands with different quality and technology but it struggles with keeping up-to-date with competitors’ prices and various kinds of information that need to be tracked. One of the main issues in the industry is also identifying competitors who do not respect the MAP (minimum advertised price) recommendations. Therefore, their key challenges were the following:

  • As we said, new competitors are constantly emerging on the market, and that situation created the need for monitoring a few competitor websites for different product categories/brands
  • When new players appear, they often tend to fight for their market position by offering lower prices, or by doing frequent price changes. These changes happen on a daily basis, so for Canal Agrícola, it was extremely important to have an insight into price drops and price increases
  • Being part of an industry such as this, where many products are present, requires also comparing products sold in different quantities
  • By now it became clear that all these actions end up in obtaining a huge amount of data. Therefore, in order to be able to analyze market trends correctly, the company needed a detailed data analysis.

As you can see, a very challenging situation, but we in Price2Spy were happy to accept it.


Price2Spy’s given solutions


Since the task was very complex, our team had to think about what combination of features that Price2Spy has to offer would be the most suitable one. After a few consultations with the client, our team came to the conclusion that frequent price changes and many products being sold in different quantities are the key problems that we should focus on solving.

  • Price2Spy offers different types of accounts, but in this case, the most appropriate one would be the Premium account which allows frequent price checks (up to 8 times per day) – just the right thing for Canal Agrícola
  • In order to enable spotting the most recent price changes, Price2Spy offers using a pricing dashboard. The dashboard can consist of various widgets and each widget can show a different type of data.
  • Besides capturing the price changes, it’s important that the client is informed about it on time. Therefore, using Daily Alert emails came very handy. This feature provides the listing of all price/availability changes detected in the competitive market. There’s also an option for combining them with the Automated Price Matrix report.
  • However, capturing the price as the only information wasn’t enough. It was also important to capture additional product data from a competitor website which required enabling Price2Spy additionally. The process of implementation also involved a complex analysis of the websitesfrom which additional information was captured. As a part of the implementation, enabling the price multiplier per website has also been included.


“We are glad to collaborate with Price2Spy as it offers many solutions that turned out to be very useful in our case – from monitoring prices to gathering additional product information in the most accurate and efficient way. By using their report mechanism,we managed to stay up-to-date with all the price changes happening on the market.” – Andre Andrade, Canal Agrícola


Although this case required a variety of solutions, we at Price2Spy are always up for the challenge, especially when the reward for doing so is another in a range of our satisfied clients.


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By its nature, Price2Spy is a very sensitive and discrete tool. For that reason, we have to be very careful about our client’s data privacy, which is an absolute priority for us.

Therefore, we will not be able to show too many testimonials nor success stories on this page. The ones we will show should just give you a brief idea on how Price2Spy can be used in your own business.