What makes us different?

Price monitoring like no other

What makes us different?
What makes us different?

Price optimization

Product matching

Unlike most competitors, Price2Spy offers 3 types of product matching – Automatch, Manual matching, and Hybrid matching.

What makes us different?
What makes us different?

Variety of integrations

Beyond price monitoring

Besides our core services – price monitoring and repricing – we also offer a plethora of other services. Here are just a few of them:

What makes us different?

Price plans

We strive to be adaptible to businesses of all sizes. This is why we have a wide variety of price plans. We invite you to take a look at our price plans and see which one covers your need in the best way.


Pricing intelligence

  • Price monitoring
  • MAP monitoring
  • Marketplace monitoring
  • eCommerce integration
  • Product variations

Pricing Analytics

  • Pricing dashboard
  • Pricing reports
  • Price change alerts
  • Custom reports

Advanced repricing

  • Rule-based repricing
  • Direct repricing
  • Indirect repricing
  • Custom repricing

Additional features

    Choose one:
  • User management
  • Track additional data
  • Price check frequency
  • Price2Spy API

Price2Spy for enterprise clients

Let's build a tailor-made solution for your business

We understand that beyond a certain scale of operations customized solutions are required.
Let's talk and see what your exact challenges are and how we can help you overcome them.

Request enterprise consultations

Minimal* monthly
subscription fee

$7895 $49695 $94795
Try Price2Spy for free

* The final price of your subscription will depend on the scale of your operations, primarily the number of monitored products, the number of websites, and the frequency of price checks. For more details, including further customization options, please visit our pricing page or contact us.

Join the winning team!

Here are some of our clients who trust us when it comes to providing them with the right pricing data and the tools to optimize their prices. Join the ever-growing family of thriving businesses that have recognized the importance of pricing in today’s world of eCommerce!

What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
What makes us different?