Casafer – Brazil

Casafer – Brazil

How Price2Spy helped Casafer to strengthen its position itself in the Brazilian mold industry

Tooling is, without any doubt, the most important part of the entire molding process. In addition to perfectly made tools that meet the required standards, this process is also important from a financial point of view. Manufacturing errors require time-consuming fixes, especially if working with third-party toolmakers.

Casafer – Brazil

Therefore, every machine company is looking for a reliable partner. One name definitely stands out – Casafer. Casafer is a Brazilian company that is supplying inputs, technology, and services for the mold industry. Over the last 24 years, Casafer has gained the trust of many tooling, plastic, metal, and machining companies both in Brazil and around the world. 


Since both the Brazilian market and this type of industry come with their particularities, Casafer needed some help. 

They know how to recognize a good tool, so it’s no surprise that their choice fell on Price2Spy.

The key challenges Casafer faced

The company used to be recognized as a reliable supplier for consumers, technologies, and services in this specific industry. Nowadays the company is changing the operation from off-line to on-line. They’re also changing the business model from an importing and distributing company to an online marketplace, selling products from different vendors directly to their customers.


As you can see, these are not small innovations. Another circumstance that needs to be taken into consideration is that in Brazil, prices tend to be unstable due to the fluctuation of the currency exchange.


Having this context in mind, Casafer was able to point out some of their main challenges:


– currency exchange rate variation


– products are very technical


– product range is big, the most of the products has a lot of variations


– inconsistent market demand 


– the high cost of inventory

All of this clearly implies that price monitoring is very important for the correct positioning in the market. 


Casafer has tried out other price monitoring tools too, however, none could be compared to Price2Spy in terms of resources and support.


Let’s see how Price2Spy helped this company.


Price2Spy’s given solutions

Since Casafer has business partners not only in Brazil but in other 15 countries too, our Price2Spy team had to think about what would be the best approach. 


The following solutions appeared as the most suitable ones:


  • Automatch – The key to good and reliable price monitoring is the accuracy and efficiency of product matching. Price2Spy offers a completely automated solution that will save you time, resources, and money. 


  • Link my store – Price2Spy enables its clients to integrate their store with Price2Spy. This seamless integration helps them add new products, delete obsolete products, and perform repricing. This is pretty simple to perform, but in case the client needs our assistance, we’re here to help. For example, Casafer needed help with adding some of the brands from their website. 


  • Product variations – Price2Spy is one of the few tools on the market that can monitor a particular product variation. In this case, the client has requested the need to include only product variations (without the main products)


  • Enabling URL parameters – there are products whose price depends on the size, weight, format, etc. In other words, the price depends on a certain parameter. Price2Spy is able to capture those differences as well. 


  • Reporting – Price2Spy offers a variety of reports suitable for different needs. Regardless of their purpose, all of them are allowing our clients a better and more comprehensive understanding of what’s going on with their prices. 


All of these solutions have helped Casafer since their profit is directly impacted by the decisions they take about the price positioning. Hence, knowing their margins and possible rooms for increasing/decreasing prices is what helps them make more revenue. 


They had the opportunity to try our tool for 30 days and were surprised with the received support. So, Casafer decided to have Price2Spy as a partner for strategic information.


“Casafer becomes much more assertive on its pricing strategies using Price2Spy tools.” – Allan Guimaraes, CEO


Are you also struggling with similar issues? Don’t waste any more time and start your 30 days free trial period with Price2Spy.