Quick and Meaningful Customer Support: The Key to Price2Spy’s Success!

Best practices in price monitoring 3.9.2020. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Did you know that businesses in the US lose $75 billion a year due to poor customer support? Probably you didn’t.

So, it’s fair to assume that outstanding customer support became a true game-changer. High-level customer service sustains customer loyalty and customer retention rates. Eventually, that means more profit.

customer support

It comes as no surprise that the more effort you put into providing excellent customer support, the happier the customers will be. But, that’s usually easier said than done, especially in the case of SaaS companies. In such companies, customer support is the heart of the brand. At the same time, it’s one of the aspects that companies often lose sight of.

Throughout these 9 years in business, Price2Spy has shown to always be one step ahead of its competition, and the area of customer support makes no exception.

Price2Spy’s every day challenges

As we said, having customer support that can fulfill the client’s needs is never an easy task. However, when you’re a SaaS company, this task becomes even more difficult.

In the case of Price2Spy reaching this goal is demanding due to different reasons.

The nature of our job requires constant change and adjustment. The competitor’s behavior and the change in their website structure are not in our hands. Therefore, that requires constant change and adaptability.

Moreover, Price2Spy is often faced with another obstacle – websites that don’t want to be monitored. Those websites are constantly working on upgrading their anti-bot protection system, so we’re forced to constantly find new ways around them.

Our hard work and dedication were recognized by clients, so we can proudly say that today our Price2Spy family has around 700 clients. All of them come from different parts of the world and are a part of different industry branches. As fulfilling as this might be, it’s at the same time extremely challenging. It means 700 clients – 700 ways of using Price2Spy. Every client has its own needs and requirements, therefore our support team plays the main role in finding the right solution.

What makes our customer support stand out from the competition?

Unfortunately, in the case of SaaS companies, it’s not uncommon for a vendor to work diligently with clients until a contract is signed, and afterward, the dedication level gets significantly lower.

With Price2Spy that is not the case.


Every client has a dedicated Account Manager. The point is to have an Account Manager who knows your business, and of course your Price2Spy account. We find this very important. Understandably, a client feels more comfortable if working constantly with the same Account Manager since there’s no need for explaining the same things over and over again.

However, it’s natural that Account Managers change from time to time. Some colleagues get transferred to more complicated cases, and we also like to include new and fresh energy by bringing new colleagues on board. But, that’s the work that happens behind the scenes. These changes must never negatively affect the client – the transition from one Account Manager to another must go smoothly, and almost unnoticeable for the client.

On the other hand, some of your team members can also change. No need to worry, you can simply inform your Account Manager, and your new team member will receive all the necessary training for using your Price2Spy account.

Something that we highly appreciate is proactivity. This means that our Account Managers will not only respond to your inquiries, but will also periodically check the status of your account, and suggest improvements and the use of additional features.

If we were to highlight one thing that we’re most proud of, it would be teamwork effort. The process of adapting Price2Spy to the site that needs to be monitored can sometimes be very complex and therefore, it includes the development team as well. That’s when the teamwork comes into the picture. With the help of the development and product matching team, our Account Managers ensure that everything gets solved at maximum speed. Usually, the problems get fixed during the very same day, or in the worst-case from 1 to 2 working days.

Hard work always gets recognized

Success doesn’t come by accident – there’re always hours of dedicated work behind it. As a result, we can be proud of being a part of the success of so many businesses around the world.

Of course, it’s always nice and encouraging to receive positive feedback from the clients. Very often those lovely words get transferred to some of the reviews platforms which ended up in us winning already a few awards for providing excellent customer support!

award for customer support

One of those platforms is G2, where Price2Spy is present in different categories, such as Pricing and eCommerce. Of course, there are also other equally important ones, such as Capterra or Crozdesk.

Therefore, if you’re also one of many satisfied clients, we invite you to share your experience on those platforms as well. Don’t worry, the reviews can also be anonymous in case you don’t want your competitors to know that you’re using Price2Spy. 🙂 By doing so, you’re also helping us improve our online reputation management.

Please feel free to leave some suggestions as well – we love constructive criticism since it helps us become even better in providing you the best possible solutions.

Besides this, you can also get in touch with us in some more traditional ways.

You’re always welcome to contact your Account Manager by email, Skype, chat, or conference call. Until the world became overwhelmed by the problems surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, there was also an option to meet us in person during some of the trade shows. We all hope that it will be possible soon enough. 🙂


As important as it is for a business to rely on advanced technology to speed up and simplify the work, it’s equally important not to lose the human connection. The product/service that you’re offering might be unique, but at some point, some of the competitors will manage to provide something similar or even better.

But, if you managed to create a loyal customer up to that point, they’ll most likely stay on your side. Therefore, having a meaningful connection with your clients is what makes a difference. Believe it or not, many of our features are now available because our clients have suggested them! Also, it’s not a rare case for new clients to approach us by recommendation, and that’s the best recognition of our work.

In case you didn’t have the opportunity to try out Price2Spy, we invite you to make use of our free trial, and test out different options that Price2Spy has to offer.

If you have some ideas about improving Price2Spy, please feel free to contact us, or you can always leave a comment below.


Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Price2Spy. She's a sociologist who found her place in the eCommerce world. As such, her love for writing has led her to discover the beauty of content marketing and given her the opportunity to inform people about eCommerce and pricing topics.