New Price2Spy filter – prices violating MAP

New Price2Spy features 10.9.2014. Reading Time: 2 minutes
Price2Spy developers have had a lot on their plates these days – and hence Price2Spy got quite some features (and we won’t stop there :)). Price Matrix Report on a given date was the first one we wrote about last week, and today we will focus on the new filter – prices violating (or not violating) MAP.

Usually it is good to have an overview of all prices you are monitoring and get an idea at a glance on who tends to be on a cheaper of more expensive side, if anyone is violating the Minimum Advertized Price (MAP) and so on.

The new feature might be particularly interesting to manufacturers monitoring if their sellers’ prices are in compliance with the MAP policy or an online retailer monitoring if competitors are violating the MAPs. Anyway our regular Price Matrix Report shows all prices and has a default colour code with red denoting expensive, green denoting cheap and orange standing for MAP violations – as in the image below:


However, some of our clients who were mainly interested to see if there were any MAP violations going on on the market asked us to give them a possibility to see only MAP violating prices – all other prices are to be disregarded. Of course, after discussing this idea within our team we came to a conclusion that it could be generally useful and decided to implement it.

The Price Matrix below shows us the same products and sites with the prices violating MAP filter chosen:


To run the report with these filters, please go to Reports. Next to the Search field there is a ‘More options’ button (marked red) which opens up the new filter when clicked on – the ‘Map violation’ filter where there are 3 options to be chosen:
  • All URLs
  • Only URLs violating MAP
  • Only URLs not violating MAP



And finally, what can be clearly seen from the second matrix is the fact that the site Amazon D is violating the MAP policy for all products monitored – would you as a competitive retailer or a manufacturer take necessary action to put a stop to this??? Your answer is ‘Yes’ I guess, but what needs to be done first is spot any MAP violations – and we can help you there.