Best practices in price monitoring

3 Effective Steps to Build Brand/Service Awareness on the Market

July 27, 2016 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After an explosion in the number of brands and communication channels, it is getting harder to build strong brand awareness in the ever-changing market conditions. Moreover, similar products and services in many industries make more difficult to protect existing brands' permanency. That is why understanding...

How to Set Optimal Pricing for Maximum Profitability

July 19, 2016 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The biggest passion of every company's owner is increasing revenue with maximum profitability. One of the best ways to increase company revenue is using the optimal pricing strategy. However, setting prices optimally can be quite difficult in different local market environments. Let's assume that your company...

Earning the Customers’ Trust: Secret of a Successful Business

July 13, 2016 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A successful business is based on one simple concept: trust.  However; it is an unavoidable fact that earning this trust is not so easy. Especially, earning this trust as an online merchant is a big deal. The importance of trust If you ask any salesperson if there is any weapon more powerful from pricing, most...

Capturing shipping cost – a separate field, or bundled in product price?

January 05, 2016 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The current market is very complex and dealers come up with many creative ways to lower their prices and increase their turnover. One of the more popular tricks is giving free shipping for their items instead of lowering prices (which would violate the minimal prices (MAP) agreed with...