Best practices in price monitoring

Solutions for Distributors: How to keep up in current market conditions

July 01, 2018 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pricing is one of the most important key factors to sales and income success - no doubt. The difficulties, however, lie in current market conditions. Luckily, the technological era provides us with hundreds of thousands of articles, solutions or services in any part of the world, any...

Knowing this trick can help you spot all Targeted price violations any time

June 24, 2018 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have recently published a post about how to handle violations of the agreed (MAP) prices and solutions for manufacturers/brands.  We highlighted possible solutions in order to prevent this situation for manufacturers and brands. After listing the important solutions for MAP monitoring, finally we wanted...

Solutions for manufacturers: how to handle violations of the agreed price

June 13, 2018 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Minimum Advertised Price - MAP (or Targeted price, RRP, MSRP etc.) is an agreement between suppliers and retailers that qualifies the lowest price at which each product can be advertised. This means that retailers can go above the specified price but not below it. Map policy can either be a policy imposed...

Record-breaking Spending Expected on this year’s Easter Holidays

April 10, 2017 in Best practices in price monitoring
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Worldwide expansion of the Internet and use of mobile devices around the globe is increasing online spending these past few years. Especially, gift-giving consumer holidays play a critical role when it comes to drive traffic into sales. While Easter is approaching, National Retail Federation (NRF)...