Author: Jelena Gabrish

Price2Spy can now monitor CAPTCHA protected websites

July 09, 2019 in New Price2Spy features, Price2Spy announcements
Reading Time: < 1

Monitoring websites that are constantly changing and investing resources into blocking automated bot traffic has proven to be very difficult. Bot awareness is rising in eCommerce day by day as more and more site administrators are trying to block traffic coming from automated monitoring solutions. One...

Price2Spy enables fetching product variations from the supported eCommerce platforms

February 11, 2019 in New Price2Spy features, Price2Spy announcements
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you're using one of the standard shopping carts / eCommerce platforms supported by Price2Spy, you can easily integrate your online store with Price2Spy. However, this can be a challenge in certain industries that are dealing with different product variations, such as products being sold in...

Price2Spy introduces fully automated repricing

October 11, 2018 in New Price2Spy features
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nowadays, beating the competition in the vast e-commerce landscape can be a daunting task. Competitors often use aggressive pricing strategies, commonly undercutting one another in their attempt to offer the best price and stay ahead of the competition. In order to stay competitive, well-timed and on-point price changes are the...