now monitored by Stealth IP Traffic

Best practices in price monitoring 7.9.2020. Reading Time: < 1
stealth ip traffic

eCommerce is one of the most competitive markets, therefore the changes are happening almost on a daily basis. Websites are trying their best to outsmart the competition, and one of the ways of doing it is by trying to prevent automated price monitoring. A website that was trying to do the same is

However, Price2Spy firstly approaches these kinds of problems with all classic ban-avoiding techniques. In some cases, that is not enough, and we have to use our strongest weapon – Stealth IP traffic

With Stealth IP traffic Price2Spy is able to find a way around even the most complicated website structures, such as the one that has. With our knowledge and experience, we’ve successfully managed to find a solution, and now our clients can continue monitoring without any obstacles. 

We need to mention, however, that Stealth IP comes as an additional feature used for more complex cases. Our first step is always trying conventional IP methods, but when they show no result, we need to turn to Stealth IP as our last resort. Therefore, this feature comes with higher costs, but since it’s sometimes the only possible solution, we would say that it’s very worthy. 


Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Price2Spy. She's a sociologist who found her place in the eCommerce world. As such, her love for writing has led her to discover the beauty of content marketing and given her the opportunity to inform people about eCommerce and pricing topics.