Price2Spy launches Shopmania integration

As you already might know, your Price2Spy account can be integrated with your own store, using some of the standard shopping carts / eCommerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, 3dcart, Google Shopping, Shopware, and Kelkoo. Since we do care a great deal about your needs and suggestions, we decided to add one more platform into this list – Shopmania!
For those who haven’t heard about Shopmania, it is a price comparison system and a shopping portal offering free shopping resources to consumers since 2005. Millions of people worldwide consult Shopmania every month before making their online purchases. By using the best technology and expertise available, they ensure that each shopper chooses the best option available.
If you have your store in Shopmania, you are welcome to make the most use of this new integration we offer. Adding new products and deleting obsolete products will be fully automated and there is no need for extra development efforts on your side.
Integrating your store with Price2Spy using Shopmania works quite simple, however, some relevant steps need to be taken care of:
- Steps to be performed on Shopmania side
- Steps to be performed in Price2Spy
To learn more about Shopmania integration, please click on the following link:
Looking forward to hearing your impressions regarding the newly integrated platform!