Price2Spy API 2.7 to be released on Mar-24
Since we have always cared a great deal about our clients and their business needs, we have decided to implement several new features in Price2Spy API that were suggested by our clients:
1.Exposing the following for fields for all objects in Price2Spy (Product, URL, Automatch URL, Matching Suggestions, Brand, Category, Supplier)
As of Price2Spy API 2.7 you will be able to see following operations:
- dateAdded – when the record was first added to Price2Spy
- dateModified – when the record was last modified in Price2Spy
- addedbyID – ID of user who has done the first insertion
- modifiedbyID – ID of user who has done the last update
These features will especially come handy whenever you need to identify the exact modification date or the ID of user regarding the products, URLs or Matching Suggestions operations.
2.Adding new attribute ProductName returning the exact name of the product as captured on given URL – in:
So far, Price2Spy was capturing only product price and availability – now we will be capturing product names as well. With Price2Spy API 2.7 you will be able to see the exact name of the product as captured on given URL. This is applicable for:
- URL Object
- Matching Suggestion Object
If you’re connecting via SOAP:
Although the operations we’re adding to API are backward-compatible (not affecting the functionality which you’re currently using). However, we have noticed that some Microsoft SOAP clients would need SOAP classes rebuilt with updated WSDL. So, if you’re using Microsoft SOAP to connect to Price2Spy API, please make sure you’re ready for this change. The updated WSDL (needed for SOAP clients) can be found here:
If you’re connecting via REST:
Clients accessing Price2Spy API via REST have no changes to perform on their side.
In case you’d need any additional information – please let us know, we’d be happy to help!