Price2Spy API 2.6 to be released on Aug-20
We’re happy to announce an addition of several new features to Price2Spy API:
- Exposing Matching Suggestions via Price2Spy API
- You will be able to retrieve Matching Suggestions – using getMatchingSuggestions() operation
- Furthermore, you will be able to approve a Matching Suggestion, using approveMatchingSuggestion() operation
- Finally, rejectMatchingSuggestion() should be used in case wrong Matching Suggestions got offered
- Manipulating product Metadata via Price2Spy API
- So far, inserting Brands / Categories / Suppliers was possible only implicitly, via updateProduct() operation, while for updating Brands / Categories / Suppliers you needed to call updateProduct()
- As of Price2Spy API 2.6 you will be able to programatically perform following operations
- insert metadata objects: insertBrand(), insertCategory, insertSupplier()
- update metadata objects: updateBrand(), updateCategory, updateSupplier()
- delete metadata objects: deleteBrand(), deleteCategory, deleteSupplier() – of course, only if no product is associated with given object
- Searching for URLs of a particular product
- So far, this operation supported search by productID, internalID, or SKU
- With Price2Spy API 2.6 we’re adding possibility to search by
- product name
- any of the above (to be more precise: a result would be offered if any of the following 3 fields are matched: internalID, SKU, product name
As you can see, none of these new features makes changes to existing API operations (full backward compatibility ensured). However, some of our clients using Microsoft SOAP clients have reported problems in similar situations in the past – when SOAP client would stop working until it got rebuilt with new WSDL. So, please keep this in mind for Aug-20 when Price2py API 2.6 release is planned for. The updated WSDL (needed for SOAP clients) can be found here: price2spy-api-2018-06-12-v2.6
(Clients accessing Price2Spy API via REST have no changes to perform on their side.)
Any questions? Please let us know, we’d be very happy to help.