5 Lead Magnet Ideas That Will Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Sales

Guest post 24.6.2024. Reading Time: 8 minutes

You may have seen those free eBooks, checklists, and guides offered in exchange for an email address. They look effective, as not all users want to commit to a business for nothing. Everyone expects value. That’s where lead magnets tackle the main problem of persuading people to interact with the company.

But what if you’re an online store owner? Do you need to create those magnets, and how do you do it? Imagine this: You can generate leads, maximize sales, and get information about consumers to pivot your marketing campaigns for better outcomes. All of this is possible with lead magnets for eCommerce. It can be anything:

  • free resources;
  • a tantalizing free sample;
  • an exclusive discount.

It’s the first step for converting website visitors into leads and, eventually, loyal paying customers. In this article, we’ll provide a lead magnet definition, lead magnet ideas, and tips for crafting your own freebies based on lead magnet examples from renowned brands.

Understanding the Ecommerce Needs: From a Perfect Lead Magnet Idea to Customer Loyalty

What is a lead magnet? Let’s assume a shopper browses a landing page and encounters a pop-up on a screen saying, “Get expert advice from our professional team of dermatologists. Download “The 5-Minute Morning Skincare Routine” guide”. They click the call to action button and are asked to enter their details, usually an email address.

Here it is: a win-win situation. Now, you can sustain communication to lead to a future purchase. The prospects can improve their life by applying tips from your guide.

Lead magnets are quite widespread in various sectors, from eCommerce to banking. That’s why potential customers are accustomed to seeing these things, and it’s harder to amuse them. 

What is more, you need to take into account the peculiarities of an eCommerce landscape. The main one of them is, of course, the market saturation. There are so many competitors, and consumers are bombarded with so many choices that it’s more challenging than ever for businesses to capture their attention.

They expect instant gratification and problem resolution, be it finding their vocation or getting ideas on what to cook for dinner. So, effective lead magnets should appeal to their pain points and build trust.

A lead magnet is a free tool (from the customers’ point of view):

  • free consultation;
  • free sample;
  • free tickets;
  • free shipping offer;
  • free templates;
  • free course, and so on.

From a business perspective, eCommerce lead magnets require a lot of time and effort, as well as a deep dive into audience analysis. What will attract potential customers? What makes lead magnets work, and what diverts users from reading?

That’s where a comprehensive website user experience audit may help. It can unveil subtle insights into user behavior, uncover obstacles they encounter, and highlight what truly resonates.

Remember that it’s not enough to repurpose a blog post into a PDF file and promote it in the guise of a lead magnet example. You need a meticulous approach to create a lead magnet. For instance, you need to do the following:

  • answer questions;
  • solve problems;
  • fulfill needs potential customers might not even know they had. 

At the same time, the magnet should be concise so as not to lose their interest. There is a lot to cover, that’s true. In the next sections, we’ll explain what a great lead magnet idea looks like in eCommerce.

The Anatomy of a Successful Ecommerce Lead Magnet

So, you’re pursuing a good lead magnet. Yes, you may put together a reading list or checklist quickly, but that’s where haste makes waste. To see the desired results, you need to ensure the following key elements:

Relevance to the Target Audience

Your top priority should be providing pertinent content tailored to your audience or sector. A general topic is a more effective lead-generating machine if you measure the numbers alone. However, these leads might not be qualified prospects who would be interested in your offering.

The lead magnet should be specifically aimed at the target demographic of your brand. If you’re targeting small business owners looking to enhance their online presence, offer a free consultation on digital marketing strategies.

Value Proposition

After you’ve identified the target audience and their needs, you need to create a lead magnet in exchange for which it’s worth sharing the prospect’s contact information. High perceived value is a must.

The content should be exclusive and not available anywhere else. For example, online courses can capture leads looking to improve their skills or make a certain task more manageable, such as lead generation. Provide special industry insights that your audience is eager to listen to.

Accessibility and Ease of Use

Accessibility means the lead magnet shouldn’t take hours to read or watch, contain complex words and jargon, and lack the ability to share. First and foremost, people expect benefits from their actions right away. So get straight to the point, eliminate lengthy introductions, and place your valuable lead magnet on the dedicated landing page. Don’t make visitors navigate through multiple pages of content.

Then, to generate more leads, make sure your excellent lead magnet is simple to distribute. It acts as a positive word-of-mouth advertisement, adding credibility to your brand. Apart from leveraging your own landing page, think of attaching the lead magnet to your corporate social media profiles and letting followers share it in their social media posts.

Demonstration of Expertise

Industry papers, research, and eBooks are lead magnets examples that can establish your brand as an authority in a specific niche. But don’t wait for an audience just to believe what you say. Support your statements with facts and research to demonstrate that you are a trustworthy source.

Additionally, the best lead magnets are properly written and error-free. Even though typos might not seem like a big deal, they can damage your reputation. What would readers think about your processes if you omit proofreading? Focusing on these specifics will improve your image and make you look more professional.

5 Innovative Lead Magnet Ideas for Ecommerce

Now, it’s time to explore lead magnet eCommerce ideas to turn your organic search traffic into buyers. We’ll zero in on specific lead magnet examples that work well for online stores. However, the list of possible content formats goes well beyond the provided ones.

1. Interactive Product Recommender Quiz

Decision fatigue or decision paralysis are pretty common in eCommerce. The more choices consumers face, the weaker their desire to buy anything.

Have you ever experienced this feeling when you spent three hours of your precious leisure time comparing different products, reviews, ingredients, and professionals’ opinions only to end up purchasing something accidental on sale? I have. You either make no choice at all or stick with the most straightforward option. It’s easier to pick from 2 sweaters than between 25!

That’s where product quizzes step in. They can streamline the sales process by asking relevant questions and presenting the most suitable products from your assortment. They perfectly fit any niche, from “Which coffee blend is best for your morning habits?” to “Determine the ideal skincare routine for you,” to name a few. 

It’s a fun and engaging way to source contact details and personalize communication. And, as Search Engine Journal cites, 80% of consumers value a tailored experience when deciding to buy.

Below, you can observe one lead magnet of that kind. Andie is an eCommerce company selling swimsuits, clothes, and accessories, making the style quiz an integral part of the purchase journey.

Screenshot taken on the official Andie website

2. First-Purchase Discount in Exchange for Email Sign-Up

It’s by far the most widely used lead magnet idea. I bet those promises to save on the first order in exchange for an email address certainly ring a bell for you. Why are they so popular? That’s because…they yield positive results.

Discounts work well at generating leads. Customers love saving money, even if it’s not more than 10% off. However, watch out for discounts that eat up your profit margins.

You can find such a lead magnet example on the Hunkemöller website. It’s classic, engaging, and inspiring.

Screenshot taken on the official Hunkemöller website

3. VIP Early Access to Sales

The next effective lead magnet idea revolves around creating mystery around your goods. Suppose you launch a new product sale. Don’t make it available immediately. Suggest that users join an exclusive club of those who can purchase these goods at a lower price before anyone else. Who knows, maybe the participants will buy out them, so those who wait will miss out on this lucrative opportunity. It’s an excellent way to grow your email list and convert leads.

Nordstrom demonstrates a great lead magnet example with its fashion event of the year, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. The dedicated page outlines the rules and perks of applying to this program, as well as other details.

Screenshot taken on the official Nordstrom website

4. Ebook on Trends Related to Your Products

For many businesses, eBooks are a decent alternative for generating leads. Note that these are long-form content, so the potential customer should be interested in the topic to finish reading. That’s why sometimes it can be more reasonable to write a blog post rather than the entire book.

If you can get more conversions from an article that takes half the time compared to an eBook, go with a lighter version. If you’ve decided to proceed with an eBook, consider one that highlights current trends and how your products fit in. This way, you’re not just educating but turning that eBook download into a gateway for further engagement.

While ReferralCandy isn’t an eCommerce company in the traditional sense, it provides a software tool specifically designed for online stores. Its lead magnet deserves attention as it offers tangible value and adds an incentive to join a community of over 25,000 marketers. The pop-up overall design is eye-pleasing, with bold colors and graphics that stand out without being overwhelming.

Screenshot taken on the official ReferralCandy website

5. Free Shipping or Returns in Exchange for Sign-Up

One significant roadblock on the purchase journey is high shipping costs. Offer free shipping to eliminate your shoppers’ doubts. It’s a great example of how to stay in touch with the audience, address one of the top pain points, and boost sales.

Adidas leverages this popular lead magnet idea. It offers free shipping only for its club members, and you can become one by leaving your contact details.

Screenshot taken on the official Adidas website

Not All Lead Magnets Are Created Equal: Find What Works for You

What makes an ordinary piece of content a great lead magnet? Perfect lead magnets improve users’ lives. Whether they’re customizable templates, exclusive discounts, or access to free trials, they should solve the real problems of your target audience.

A downloadable lead magnet is a powerful tool for winning over clients. It can be a nice addition to your loyalty program, strengthening customer retention strategies. At the same time, you can use it to showcase all the features of your product or service.

Leverage various channels to promote the lead magnet, including paid social media ads, organic shares, and email marketing. Take your lead magnet game to the next level. Offer something irresistible, like the chance to win free stuff or access to valuable content. Explore great lead magnets from our list, and create lead magnets like a pro.

Kate Parish is the chief marketing officer at Onilab, a full-service eCommerce agency with a focus on Magento. Kate has been working on diverse marketing strategies and activities for more than 8 years. In her pursuit to bring up top-notch marketing solutions, Kate is constantly exploring the topics of SEO, branding, SMM, PPC, and Magento PWA development.